The Ohio for Responsible Gambling coalition today released an analysis of the Ohio Gambling Survey – Round Two, a follow-up to the baseline survey done in 2012, before
any of the state’s casinos and racetrack-based racinos had opened. Ohio for Responsible
Gambling (ORG) includes the Ohio Commissions of Casino Control, Lottery and Racing, and the
Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS).
The new 2016-17 survey gathered 24,000 completed responses and includes the same prevalence
measurement used in 2012, the Canadian Problem Gambling Index (CPGI). This allows for a summary of
current gambling activity among Ohio adults, and highlights changes in gambling behavior over a fouryear
The most notable statistic is that Ohioans deemed to have problem gambling, otherwise known as
“gambling disorder,” total 0.9 percent. This is significantly below the national average rates of past-year
problem gambling of 2.2 percent. The 0.9 percent of Ohio adults totals approximately 76,379.
“Under the leadership of Governor John R. Kasich and the Ohio for Responsible Gambling
partners, Ohio has committed to ensuring that prevention of problem gambling and education
on responsible gambling practices reaches all citizens. For the small number who may need help
due to gambling challenges, we have a quality system of care in place,” explained Director Tracy Plouck of OhioMHAS. Click here to read the full analysis.